The Third Congress on Polish Philosophy
The Idea
Philosophy as a pursuit of holistic knowledge about reality is by definition a universal reflection. However, being a field of culture shaped by human beings and having an impact on them, it takes into account not only our general intellectual needs common to all cultures, but also those that result from specific historical experiences and other factors. Therefore, just as there is Polish literature or Polish music that has been formed as something separate from other literatures and musicals arts, there is also Polish philosophy, which is a product of the culture of Poland and has been born and developed by her representatives. To some extent, it expresses the Polish view of the world. It is based on the country’s history during which ideas, aspirations and values specific to Poles have developed. It has grown out of the awareness of the uniqueness of the Polish mind. It is an expression of the wealth of Polish thought. Its greatest representatives are, among others, Józef M. Hoene-Wroński (1778–1853), Józef Gołuchowski (1797–1858), Bronislaw Trentowski (1808–1869), Karol Libelt (1807–1875), August Cieszkowski (1814–1894), Kazimierz Twardowski (1866–1938), Wincenty Lutoslawski (1863-1954), Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz (1890-1963) and Roman Ingarden (1893-1970). We should remember this unique philosophical tradition, examine it diligently, search for inspiration it may give us for our contemporary thought and make sure it finds the right place in the history of world philosophy. We should take the effort to promote its further development.
To participate in our Congress on Polish Philosophy we invite all scholars who have either professional or private interest in Polish philosophy. Submission of paper proposals can be sent electronically until August 31, 2024. See link. They should contain a short biographic note (up to 50 words) and an abstract (up to 300 words). The abstract should include the main points of the presentation. An acceptance decision will be made within 30 days of the date of submission. We accept paper presentations in Polish and English. A registration prerequisite for a paper presentation is a master’s degree in philosophy or in a related field. We also invite to our Congress students and other people who would like to participate online and just to listen to lectures and presentations. In 2024 the Congress will have a hybrid form. This means that some participants, including the section chairpersons, will be on site, and some, particularly international participants, will participate online.
Important dates:
• 15 January 2022 – starting date for registration and paper proposals, and for paying registration fees from participants after the initial acceptance of their papers.
• 31 August 2022 – deadline for electronic registration and paper proposals.
• 10 September 2022 – final date for sending paper acceptance decisions.
• 15 September 2022 – final date for accepting registration fees by bank transfer.
• 7-10 October 2022 – The Second Congress on Polish Philosophy
Practical matters
The Third Congress on Polish Philosophy
The organizers of the Congress are the Department of Philosophy at the University of Opole and the Department of Philosophy and Ethics at Collegium Humanum.
Our Congress will take place in the Royal Castle of Rydzyna near Leszno (about 100km south of Poznan).
We issue certificates confirming participation in the on Congress and issue invoices for registration fees.
The registration fee includes the cost of small meals during the Congress, as well as of drinks – tea and coffee. The cost of dinner and of stay are not included. Each person who wants to participate in a dinner should pay for it separately.
We anticipate the publication of selected papers. Selected papers in the form of reviewed articles will appear in a collective edition or will be recommended for publication in philosophical journals.
The Congress participants will book their own accommodation, but we can help you. We have about 40 single and double rooms available in the Rydzyna Castle.
The registration fee for participants presenting papers applying from Poland is 250 PLN (on site) or 220 PLN (online).
The registration fee for participants from abroad presenting papers onsite or online is 60 Euro or 62 USD.
Participation online is free for listeners (those who do not present papers).
Account Number
Account in EUR: PL36 1240 3103 1978 0010 4047 1074
Account in USD: PL52 1240 3103 1787 0010 4047 1218
Payable to: Uniwersytet Opolski, Plac Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland
Payment Title: „Kongres Filozofii Polskiej – name and surname”
The Congress participants will book their own accommodation.
Thematic sections for paper presentations

Ontology and Epistemology

Political and Social Philosophy

The Philosophy of History and the Philosophy of Religion

Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics

Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture

Logic and the Philosophy of Language

Człowiek obdarzony rozumem jest zawsze więcej wart niż miliony ludzi posiadających tylko intelekt; ilekroć się pojawi, jest on dla ludzkości światło niosącym Apollinem.
The Organisers

Prof. Grzegorz Francuz
Professor of Opole University - Chairman

Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz

Dr. Justyna Stecko
Vice-Chairman and Spokesperson

Dr Piotr Leśniak
Vice-Chairman, Spokesperson

Dr Marcin Pietrzak
Kongres Filozofii Polskiej
c/o Dr Marcin Pietrzak
Katedra Filozofii, Instytut Historii UO
Strzelców Bytomskich 2
45-084 Opole
Zadzwoń do nas
+ 48 77 452 74 91
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